Deb's passion for the healing arts is influenced by many events: Spending her childhood building a relationship with the earth in the woods and lakes of Central Minnesota, the death of her father, and her own healing journey. From these influences and experiences, an understanding of healing the mind, the body, and the spirit as a whole, emerged in her life and brought her on an incredible journey to become the healing practitioner she is today. Deb utilizes all the skills she has acquired over the 30 years of experience. She works with the gifts she has been given, the medicines that the Earth provides, and the education as a massage therapist, specializing in Mayan abdominal massage, reiki master, kultrun carrier, nurse, munay ki practitioner, energy medicine practitioner, to help individuals create a balanced state within their bodies, minds, and spirits, so they may have the greatest advantage to heal.

My Deep Gratitude to my teachers and the lineages they carry and the wisdom they shared with me.

I had the honor and privilege of learning from Q’ero, Mapuche, Mayan, Aztec, Dakota elders, and other indigenous teachers and their students. The elders requested and gave permission to bring the teachings and the medicine back to our communities. They believed it was crucial to share their knowledge and wisdom to preserve life on this planet. People have lost their connection to Nature. Sharing the medicine will bring healing to Mother Earth and her people. My deepest gratitude to the elders, the lineages they carry, my teachers, and the wisdom they shared with me. It is in the spirit of their request that I share the offerings. It is my intent to honor the medicine teachings as they have been passed to me.